Elevate Your Womanhood



IS IT STILL GOOD TO YOU? How I did my own Honest Advent and Why I Think You Should Too […]

Who’s Nurturing Yours?

Let’s do that together. Because there’s nothing better than seeing the person God created you to be realizing her dreams. Who said that’s for everybody else and not you? Dominion is for us all.

Maybe you’re not an entrepreneur, but you still walk in dominion on your God-given assignment – wherever that assignment is.

When You Step on Scene the Atmosphere Changes

That’s because of your Spiritual Identity. And, you must know how to handle your business in that arena. If you don’t, the world will make sure you pay to the utmost farthing.

Second Rule – Don’t Leave Money on the Table

When you know your Spiritual Identity, then you’ll also know that part of your God-given assignment is acquisitions and take-overs. That’s the job of the C-suite woman and the C-suite man. In the C-suite, we get used to doing deals and assigning the plunder.  In the C-suite, it’s winner take all and then, learning how to govern, legislate, and orchestrate from the chair.

Every Part of Who You Are is Meant to be Lived

From the financial to the social to the spiritual to the personal to the professional – it’s all you. Isn’t it time you brought all the pieces together under one roof. Your fulfilled life is waiting. While you spend 365 days, 52 weeks, and 2,080 work hours in a year, hammering away at someone else’s vision, give me 1 hour a week and together we will delicately sculpt out yours.

Make it worth it. Make the universe pay you to be who you are.

Elevate Your Womanhood

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