Chapter 10 – God’s Got This
Workbook – Pondering Questions
Textbook: Created2Produce – Your Turning Point to Destiny by By Dr. Cassandra Scott
Please read the Chapter first and then answer the questions. Post your answers below by the requested due date. Feel free to reply to comments posted by your BYB co-partners and share your thoughts.
What calling or responsibility has God given you?
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Angie Young On March 20, 2022 at 12:19 am
God has given me the responsibility to be an Intercessor. I was born to pray and intercede for others. I did not realize God was preparing me for this calling for many years.
Neisha DeVore On January 30, 2022 at 12:01 pm
One of the calling and responsibility God is to be compassionate and understanding. Especially to those who are ostracize because of their belief and actions. Lord help us all! Understanding meaning, God still loves them and there is another chance to get it right by HIM. Show love at all times! I have not mastered this, but it an assignment that I am to pursuit daily.
Rose ALLEN-OUTEN On December 14, 2021 at 3:13 pm
The calling God’s given me as an evangelist to help people see themselves and accept Jesus so he may direct their path. As a prophetess help them see and speak to their until manifestation their future.
Patricia Grimes Jones On August 30, 2021 at 8:51 pm
What calling or responsibility has God given you?
The First ministry that God gave unto me was the ministry of help which is a servant of the Most High God. 2nd he blessed into my hands 1. Topnotch Creations 1 Professional Hair Atristry Hair Salon, Topnotch Creations 2 Catering Bistro’s Eatery, and last but not least is Fresh Fire Anointing Ministries, where I’m praying the breath of God’sOil fall fresh everyday.
Gloria Johnson On August 14, 2021 at 11:39 am
Teaching (possibly pastoring)
Mission Fields – foreign/domestic
Lisa Weatherspoon On August 10, 2021 at 8:06 pm
I know I am a helper and encourager; however, like Tera, I am still finding my true calling and gifts in Christ. Since high school, everybody use to call me when they were sad, saying that they knew I would bring a smile to their face and make them feel better. I didn’t quite know what that meant then and still trying to come into myself, my true self in Christ. I know through the Holy Spirit, BYB and the best midwives this side of heaven (Dr. Scott & Dr. Merle), I know I will do just that.
Victoria Caldwell On August 8, 2021 at 8:09 pm
Intercession for others, teach others about God’s true love and preach the word
Gloria Jean Williams On August 8, 2021 at 5:29 pm
Dr. Scott and Dr. Ray, God put me in BYB at this place and time for me to love on Him and to really know who He is. Thank you both for being in my life.
Dr. Merle Ray On August 11, 2021 at 5:38 am
Blessings and Love, Gloria Jean! We’re so glad you’re here ??????!
Carmen Hebert On August 8, 2021 at 3:58 pm
Even though I am waiting for an audible answer, I know deep down inside that my family +1 is my ministry. I have always been one that have been good at advising. In the advising, it allows me to see myself and be better able to further advise others. Now how to properly execute doing so has been my downfall. My impatience has also caused me to abandon ship and fall short of what the intended mission was to be.
Lola Norris On August 8, 2021 at 2:46 pm
I have been called,to Evangelize I do believe.
I’ve also been prophesied to that I’m called to be a Prophet.
Tera Alexander On August 7, 2021 at 10:39 pm
Still finding my full calling in him . I know I am to be an Business Owner and work with kids directing them to resources and community involvement.
Tera Alexander On August 7, 2021 at 10:37 pm
I know I am an Encorager and he is charged me to bring others together. He has me as a teacher. I am stil listening to all that he has for me.